Less Internet Leads to Happier Honeymoons

Posted on 06/03/2019 in misc

Less Internet = Better Honeymoons?

It’s not often I write a blog post and the world validates my opinion so quickly the next post is on the same subject. But here we are. This NYT article is nuts. It’s about some couples who feel like they ruined their honeymoons because they were more worried about looking good on Instagram than actually enjoying their honeymoon.

Let me repeat that for you. They prioritized the perfect selfie over normal honeymoon stuff like drinking, dancing, and sex.

Ms. Huang Smith, 34, who works in digital marketing, was attempting to showcase their honeymoon on Instagram. “I had to prove to the world that I was having a great time,” she said. And so half of her day was spent shooting, editing, or planning Instagram posts.

I’m old, so when we honeymooned in Hawaii family and friends had no way to see any pictures until we got home, got film developed, and invited them over to watch the slide show. Hell, family and friends didn’t even have a way to know we were still alive in HI. For all they knew we got eaten by sharks on day 2. And I’ll bet not one of them worried about us at all while we were away. Imagine your reaction today if somebody suddenly vanishes from social media for a week. This obsession with showcasing your best self for all to see is not healthy.

Then the honeymoon evolved into the first time a couple got any prolonged alone time or to consummate the marriage. The modern honeymoon became more of an opportunity for newlyweds to celebrate alone and reconnect after the stress of a wedding.

In recent years, honeymoons have regressed, Ms. Bebell said. “Couples want validation from followers and friends,” she said, and oftentimes they do that with photos and hashtags.

Yeah. I’d call that a regression. I’ve never even had an Instagram account, so maybe the culture there makes people think the photo has to be Pulitzer worthy if they are going to post it. I post maybe a photo to week to Facebook on average, so clearly I’m not part of this culture. And I’m very ok with that.

It’s probably too soon for much in the way of statistics, but I wonder how this pressure to continually feature your perfect life on Instagram is going to impact relationships? I wouldn’t be surprised in a few years if somebody can show a solid correlation between frequency of Instagram posts and divorce.

Just for fun, today’s totally not worthy of Instagram photo that I posted to Facebook. We were out at a local park to a picnic lunch and walk. The dog isn't even looking at the camera. I can't believe I posted this.

Selfie from Echo Park

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